A WILD Case Study
How we Scaled Hotel Reservations X3
(Even During a WAR)
Akotika is a stunning boutique hotel, with luxury suites scattered throughout Old Acre, located inside centuries-old buildings, refurbished to create magnificent hotel rooms.
The initial KPIs we aimed for were to grow reservations 30-50%
So That's What We Did
Creative Overhaul
We transformed their creatives from THIS →
Low Quality Images
Over 50% whitespace
No focus on luxury
No Copywriting
No Offers
← to THIS →
Large & Vibrant videos showcasing the rooms
Better Copy
Clear offer
Mixing UGC-Type Content
Adding Music & Sea SFX
New Age of Targeting
Introduced Lookalike Audiences
Layered Outreach & Remarketing
Explored new audiences
Improved ad quality
Redefined KW to maximize exposure
Limited bids to maximize ROI.
Improved ad quality, reducing CPC
Google Ads
+30% Growth in 1st 30 Days!
The result?
And than, came the war
Following the horrific October 7 Terror attack, Israel went to war.
Just like in COVID, the first industry get hit is the tourism industry - people are worried and anxious, finances are strained and the desire to go on vacation drops to almost zero.
After 1 Month of uncertainty,
we resumed marketing efforts
As reality changed,
We had to change with it
Changed Our Offer
Instead of focusing on long-term orders and higher order revenue, we opted for lowering CPAs and increasing short-term, low-revenue orders.
We Gave Back
The people Needed a getaway.
We launched sales for 50% off for security forces and reservist soldiers, and 40% for everyone else.
We Offered Peace
We pushed creatives that highlighted quite seclusion, an isolated island of peace to escape to from recent atrocious events.